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Launch of outdoor education charity, New Leaf Learning!

Trustees welcome guests to Launch of New Leaf Learning

Northamptonshire outdoor education charity 'New Leaf Learning' was launched this week at Courteenhall Estate. The charity invited local educators and businesses to share how the charity supports children who are not engaging in learning in mainstream primary schools across Northants. Those invited were able to chat together, see how the children engage in activities and take a tour of the exciting spaces that the children can access at Courteenhall Estate.

Children and staff also learn self-regulation skills with a trauma-informed yoga teacher. Parents/carers learn how to manage behaviour, and build nurture experiences into family life in order to build connections. School staff accompany the children and learn skills through bespoke CPD based on trauma-informed research with a view to creating emotionally safe learning spaces back at school. The charity also offers a suite of school staff training opportunities.

Children pond-dipping at New Leaf Learning

Trustees thank those who attended for their interest and look forward to working closely with you in the future.

If you would like more information, or to make a booking please get in touch

or to make a donation with Gift Aid:

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